Top Travel Tips from the Experts!
by Nabewise
Some “travel tips” are just more like “common sense”! By now, we all know to remember to pack our passports, wear comfortable clothing and take our laptops out of our bags for the security screening – it’s not rocket science.
But even the most seasoned traveller could use a few pointers or new ideas from time to time.
We’ve compiled some of our best tips directly from our Travel Experts and well-travelled staff, all based on real issues we’ve personally dealt with. When the airline lost my bag for two days, I had to use what little spending money I had to buy clothes to wear until I found it. I could have used the handy advice to pack a backup change of clothes in my carry-on

- Attempt the language. No one expects you to be fluent but try at least to master: “Hello”, “Please”, And “Thank you”. It’s not only polite but endearing to show your willingness and enthusiasm by giving the local language a shot. –Kelsey Knutson
- One of my favourite things is to bring a small, empty duffle bag with me so I can bring home all my souvenirs. This way, if my bag is a bit heavy on the return home, I can load up that empty bag and carry it on the plane without paying pesky overweight bag fees! –Chrissy Edwards
- Do what your mama taught you. Always try to go even if you don’t think you have to. Yes, I am talking about the bathroom. When travelling, I can’t tell you the number of times I had to hold it for a long drive on a bus. –Susan McVey
- Two words: Duct Tape. Use for repairing bags and tents, fixing flip-flops, holding up mosquito nets and hammocks, making impromptu washing lines, securing plastic bags full of wet clothes, and so many other emergency fixes that I’ve lost count! – Anna Corbett

- Before departing the country, contact your bank and let them know what countries you are visiting along with your travel dates. As someone who hadn’t travelled much previously, my bank nearly closed my credit card and flagged it as stolen when foreign charges started appearing! Lucky for me, I was in an area where my phone got reception when they contacted me so I could advise them that those were my charges and confirm my identity. –Trish Black
- A few of my travel essentials: A journal to jot down random thoughts and sketches and to remember important details of my tours. TUMS is almost a guarantee that I will get in trouble at some point, as I’m willing to try {almost} anything. Eye masks and ear plugs are handy anywhere. I might try to get some shuteye. An iPhone, so the soundtrack to my rambling exploits will bring those moments back to mind years down the road. And of course my CAMERA GEAR! –Robin Chase
- Murphy’s Law loves to travel. Make sure to get travel insurance for yourself if he brings a lot of baggage! Flight delays, lost or stolen bags, and even hotel room costs for unplanned overnights are a big part of travel, and without insurance, you can be stuck with lots of extra costs you didn’t anticipate. –Amanda Baitinger

- Always travel with disinfectant wipes. They can be used for many things. Cleaning cuts and scrapes, dirty surfaces (airline armrests and tray tables) and as an emergency washing method should you be backpacking with no showers available. –Marianne Hansen
- When travelling, there is almost always something that does not go according to plan. Be prepared with contingency funds, flexibility, and an easy-going attitude if you need to change your plans. –Suzi Perlman