by Nabewise
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Wrapping around the northeastern edge of the city, Embarcadero is a waterfront boulevard that runs from the Bay Bridge to Fisherman’s Wharf, passing through South Beach. The product of a concerted effort by the city to beautify what was once considered an urban eyesore, the Embarcadero now shines as one of the city’s main attractions. Public art installations have now become synonymous with this part of town. Specialty shops here are a gourmand's heaven and a weekly farmers market also draws the crowds.
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A Midsummer (Or Fall or Winter or Spring) Night's Dream
But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and The Embarcadero is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and envelop the beautiful new ferry building with your warmth,
And pray that your rays each every corner of the really awesome Farmer’s Markets every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
That thou, with thy endless options for delicious morsels, art a lovely and relaxing destination
The brightness of the clock tower would shame those stars
With cheese from Cowgirl Creamery, too;
The pleasing array of gourmet food shops shall please the palate of any gourmande,
The views of the glistening waters of the San Francisco bay and, beyond, the East Bay,
Would through the airy region stream so bright
And recommend that you take a delightful ferry ride across the bay if you desire
To the lovely towns of Sausalito or Larkspur,
Wherefrom I grew upShall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art lovely and temperate during the summertime,
And a walk along the waterfront of the Embarcado brings a fun time ,
And really pleasant scenery.
The Water Bar is thy destination for a fancy supper of Seafood,
Or perhaps a more casual encounter at the Fog City Diner
Thou art but a moderate walk from Downtown,
And Public Transportation aboundsWhat's awesomeThe spacious ferry building with the clock tower on top is so gorgeous you feel as if you’re in the middle of Verona, if Verona were mostly white and full of gourmet shops. There’s even fresh gelato if you really want that Verona feel.
The Farmers market is a delight to both tourists and locals-check out the local honey!
Walking along the Embarcadero is always pleasant and beautiful, night or day. Just bring a sweater for your evening stroll.What's not so awesomeIt’s can be quite vexing to find a place to affix your trusty steed (parking is pretty hard)
Chloe N.
Something for you AND you
The Bart takes you right up to this bustling SF nabe full of tourists, businessmen and women, runners and the occasional puppy.
The Embarcadero’s main attraction is The Ferry Building, a large structure opened in 1898 that quickly became the transportation focal point for travelers from the East Bay. A ferry was the only mode of transportation from the East Bay until 1930. The building now houses incredible eateries, coffee shops, wine bars and specialty grocery stores.
The Ferry Building is also a certified marketplace offering a large and well rounded famer’s market on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. There is something for everyone at these markets, and plenty of samples to go around.
After a cappuccino at Blue Bottle, a sampling from the Cowgirl Creamery’s Artisan Cheese Shop, and a BBQ’d oyster from Hog Island Oyster Company you’ll be ready to hit the road running.
A walk from the Ferry Building to AT&T Park will provide you with many sights, sounds, and smells. Walk along the water’s edge admiring the Bay Bridge, dodging afternoon joggers, and snickering at the puppies running around grassy areas. Flag down a pedicab and learn more about the city, or rent a GoCar for a zippy ride around some of the city’s hottest spots.
No matter what, a trip here will make you fall in love with San Francisco. Heck, you’ll fall in love with the Embarcadero too!
What's awesomeThe food, the shopping and the atmosphere. It’s touristy, but not too crowded and you’ll get some of the most beautiful views of the city walking along the piers.
What's not so awesomeParking can be a bust. Using public transportation will be your best bet, but parking garages are also available.
Rachel H.
Pride San Francisco
Hop off the last stop for the BART (Bay Area Railway Transit) before leaving the San Francisco bay itself and you’ll find yourself on one of the most well connected corners in San Francisco! First off, let’s talk about transportation. Not only is it a stop for theBART, a major mode of transportation for lengthier destinations, but it is also a stop for the one and SF-only cable cars! If it’s your first time in San Francisco, then taking a ride on one of these is a must! While going up and down the steep hills, there is much excitement in standing on a moving ledge while cars pass by and friendly drivers wave and the not so friendly viciously drive pass by.
In this corner of the bay, just by standing in one spot you will be able to see the beautiful skyscraper buildings, to take a look at the local arts and crafts market, and to view what is the beginning of the local bay area piers. If you happen to be here during Pride weekend, then you’ll be laying your eyes on some carefree, lively locals sporting rainbow colors on everything and everywhere! For any traveler or local, Embarcadero is a excellent starting to point to all things San Francisco and can be your number one place for getting around the city.
What's awesomeThe beauty of the city, cable cars, the people, the food
What's not so awesomeOne way fair for cable cars is $5; however, unlimited all day pass is $13.
Kat M.
Simply magical
The Embarcadero is enchanting, it really is. While Fisherman’s Wharf tends to be an area I only visit about once every 2 years when family comes into town, the farmer’s market at the ferry building temps me too much to stay away. Walking, biking, or jogging along the Embarcadero is surreal. There’s a beautiful view of the bay, as well as huge art installations scattered along the way. There is often live music playing in Justin Herman Plaza (my old band played there a few times and it’s an awesome place to play), and there are often little booths with jewelry, masks, and crafts being sold. There’s nothing better than heading on down to the farmers market one Saturday morning and hopping on the ferry to head to Sausalito on a whim (don’t think it doesn’t happen, I’ve done it more than once). During the winter months, or possibly just November and December, they set up an ice rink in the plaza, and it’s a great way to spend time with your friends.
Kati S
Simply Heavenly
On a sunny day there is nothing better than a day spent on the Embarcadero, especially if that day is one of the days they have the Farmer’s Markets. You can stroll the Embarcadero, looking off into the bay, and sample the organic fruits and veggies. All the deliciousness you could ever want is inside the Ferry Building. I won’t even begin the list of foods, because we could be here all day. I will say, however, stop by Out the Door and Cowgirl Creamery. Your taste buds will thank me. Pier 23 is also a great place to stop during the evenings for a great meal and some live jazz music.
Justin Herman plaza often has free concerts, as well as the ice rink during holiday time. During the day it’s full of people hanging out, skateboarding, having lunch during their work hours or selling their home made goods. It’s not the most live-able nabe, but it’s most certainly a place to go when visiting or looking for some fun activities on a weekend.
Kristine J.
Sunshine day
There’s nothing like a sunny day on the Embarcadero. Justin Herman Plaza is great for people watching, sipping a coffee or reading a book. The Ferry Building is amazing and hard to leave without picking up a killer snack. I love the weekly farmers market although it can be a little expensive. And while I don’t know if I would want to live in the area, it’s great to relax with friends. I say the Embarcadero will only get better as the whole of the SF waterfront gentrifies.
Gena F.