Expedia , How to select your seat preference
by Nabewise
at Expedia, we do our best to make your travel
experience as smooth as possible from start to finish
during the flight booking process, it is possible to select your seat preference, aisle or window, on the traveler information page
however, airlines may or may not honor these requests
and we recommend that you request your seat on the airline’s website
you can use expedia.com to navigate to the airline’s website to change your seat
navigate to www.expedia.com
click on the “My Trips” link in the upper
right corner
if you are not already signed in, you will
be prompted to sign in to your Expedia account
or type in your email address and itinerary
number to find your booking
your itinerary number will be in your confirmation
make sure the “Upcoming” button is selected
at the top of your screen
click on the itinerary you would like to choose
your seats for
then click “Manage Reservation”and “Update flight preferences”
this option may not be available for all itineraries
if you don’t see this option on your itinerary, we recommend navigating to the airline’s webpage
“Update flight preferences” will take you to your specific airline’s website where you can change your seat
please note, each airline's website has it's
own process for changing seats
if you need help with that process, contact
your airline's customer service
otherwise, for help with your Expedia booking,
contact us
1 866-310-5768 or from abroad 1 404-728-8787