by Nabewise
Market is a perfectly peaceful nabe just a short stroll, but a world away, from Downtown Kirkland’s buzzing entertainment-filled streets. Infinitely walkable, epically beautiful, and serene to the max, Market has almost everything you could want. A bit on the sleepy side, but that’s ok when you have five—yes, five—gorgeous parks at your fingertips to romp and play and bike in. Stunning views of Lake Washington are the norm and protected by the neighborhood association, so expect every morning to greet you with a big kiss on the cheek from Mother Nature.
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”mulled_wine”][vc_column_text]Market, WA Data : Neighborhoods & Travel – Score out of 100[/vc_column_text][vc_progress_bar values=”%5B%7B%22label%22%3A%22Families%2090%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2290%22%7D%2C%7B%22label%22%3A%22Empty%20nesters%2087%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2287%22%7D%2C%7B%22label%22%3A%22Clean%2080%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2280%22%7D%2C%7B%22label%22%3A%22Safety%2080%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2280%22%7D%2C%7B%22label%22%3A%22Green%20space%2080%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2280%22%7D%5D” bgcolor=”sky” options=”striped,animated” title=”TOP ATTRIBUTES”][vc_progress_bar values=”%5B%7B%22label%22%3A%22Community%2058%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2258%22%7D%2C%7B%22label%22%3A%22Singles%2055%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2255%22%7D%2C%7B%22label%22%3A%22Parking%2050%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2250%22%7D%2C%7B%22label%22%3A%22Shopping%2050%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2250%22%7D%2C%7B%22label%22%3A%22Public%20Transportation%2044%22%2C%22value%22%3A%2244%22%7D%5D” bgcolor=”bar_turquoise” options=”striped,animated” title=”LOWEST ATTRIBUTES”][vc_separator color=”mulled_wine”][vc_column_text]Market, WA Reviews
Stacy W.
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Are we in Southern California?
If you’ve ever been to a beach town in Southern California, you’ll feel that same vibe here. Well, I’d have to say… minus a few key factors: packed in rental condos, surfers with hot chicks in bikinis, and sand! What you do have is an eclectic mix of housing , a cute little row of bars, restaurants and shops, and GORGEOUS water views. Better than So Cal, you have green rather than brown gardens, crisp clean air, and stunning snowcapped mountains gracing the skies behind your water view.
Housing… yes, it is eclectic in the every sense of the word. The only thing houses here have in common is an expensive price tag. Don’t they always say, “location, location, location”? There are some adorable older homes with warm, charming character. Across the street you may find a modern, hard cornered monstrosity. A few doors down a builder has thrown up two cookie cutter homes side by side. Somehow, though, all of the variety works here and gives you a good vibration.What's awesomelocation, location, location
Josh D.
Market you are on my older self's mind
In no particular order, in the future when I:
get married
have better job that pays bigger bucks
have kidsand when I still:
love good beer and great viewsI will move here.
Zachary Walker
Perfectly Perfect
This somewhat intentionally isolated nabe on the shores of Lake Washington was designed to preserve the stunning views of the lake that everyone loves so dearly, and the designers were quite successful. Market feels kind of like an old small village along Market Street, the main artery for the area and eastern boundary of the nabe, replete with turn of the 20th century buildings that once were intended to form the newDowntown Kirkland. This didn’t pan out and now residents are stuck with a gorgeous mini-downtown with restaurants and some shopping options (sucks for them, right?) This is a pricey nabe, but you get what you pay for. Why wouldn’t you want to live in a stunningly beautiful, perfectly quiet, filled to the brim with parks microcosm of awesomeness right on the lake!? If you are sitting here and saying, “well, that all sounds nice, but…” I am just going to cut you off and say go check Market out, there is no way you will be dissapointed.
Christopher M.
A neighborhood nook
Right along Lake Washington in Kirkland you’ll find the very charming Nabe, Market. Walking along Lake Washington Blvd, you’ll find a vibrant commercial area with different flavors of local coffee shops, barbers, bars or restaurants. On the West side there’s a pathway that windes all the way up and down Lake Washington, with beautiful places for a summer picnic or daily jog.
Getting in and out of this area can be difficult and you can quickly find yourself in rush-hour traffic if you’re driving along main streets. If you plan on an early dinner along Market Street you may find it a more attractive option to linger while the heat on the 520 floating bridge dies down.
Great place to raise a family up on the hill or in one of the many luxury condos along Lake Washington with a beautiful view of the Lake and Bellevue. If you’re looking for a place to fly solo, Market has a vibrant community and is close to other bigger nabes, like Bellevue to the southeast, Seattle to the west, or Kirkland to the north.
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