Top 10 Things To Do In New York Before You Turn 50

Top 10 Things To Do In New York Before You Turn 50

By Nabewise

Top 10 Things To Do In New York Before You Turn 50 Out-of-the-box ideas for adventure in New York City for the young (and the not-so-young).

1. Run in New York City Marathon – this would definitely give me bragging rights if…I

2. Complete New York City's Marathon – last time I heard first prize is a cool BMW and lots of cash!!!

3. Visit The Cloisters – this Medieval hide-away is touted as being “way cool!”

4. Participate in annual 4th July Hot-dog Eating Contest in Coney Island- they say this is a real hoot!!!

5. Jump- Up! On The Parkway!! – Millions of people converge for a day of fun and food in NYC's biggest parade!!

6. Check out J'ouvert Night (Juve) in Brooklyn- tradition says this runner up to the Parade is a must see!

7. Pay tribute at the African Burial Ground – one of the oldest cemeteries for African-Americans in the USA.

8. Visit the Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island – the statue was a gift to the USA by the French.

9. Tour Manhattan by sea-take a trip around Manhattan on the Circle Line boat!

10. Take a dip with the Coney Island Polar Bears on New Year's Day!!