Where to travel in 2018 – CHEAP TRAVEL |
by Nabewise
I'm back what's up guys it's only at the moment we all know the best place to be right now and today I want to put you about the five cheapest places to travel in 2017
so soon as 2017 is officially the year of the program travel app or mobile is anyway we've enjoyed a quick rundown of the five super station travel – let's do it number
1. Macky Sall why is Mexico cheap most of Mexico is priced considerably lower than what you'd be used to in other countries especially if you avoid all of the major tourist traps like well do go to Cancun but probably not going to be as cheap as other citizens that you can visit I've been Decatur it was great fun oh that's very kind of training others on the tax well that's on the slide since 2016 Mexican pizza is raised got the Mexican pesos has gone from 16 servers on us and 22 sodas all of this 2015 that leaves a whole lot more room to a maneuverability in your budget if you make a budget if you're fair travel means probably make a budget because some smart people do you can easily get through Mexico on a budget of $25 a day if your backpack and I stand upon sores eating food or going home some custom today scenic went off I can't even get to work different so that's like an equal why would you want to go to Mexico this may well result very beaches amazing nightlife extremely cheap accommodation with like songs on BET and wattles we go from seven dollars a night
if you're going to backpacking Mexico in 2017 time to do it also check ISA they have it's one of the seven wonders of the world so why wouldn't you want to go coming in at number two the Balkans now I realize that this is a collection of countries are not one country but the certainly great places its kind of group more which will to get off so it's Basel
2. I've had to go over my up Serbia Macedonia Albania and especially Montenegro like I've been wanting to go down for a while now because just amazing everyone's backpack through Europe at some point if you're a traveler so I'm not everyone makes it through the Balkans okay one thing some of your clipping of deadly from Spain more boring boat it seems I mean in a boring a great but you get one dinner and I don't know why could we skip the Balkan like there are amazingly beautiful but they're also incredibly the speakership if you do want that you need to kind of avoid Croatia because that's like a major tour across wide amounts of all the prices of in Japan obviously it's not going to do if you want you know subject so instead of Croatia issue up all the squats running today that's part yeah so
if you want any proof that the Balkans of chief I had a friend she traveled from one time to open to the other without spending a single penny and you don't leave me I'll put a link to the video below she made a video of it tricky little easier to go to the Balkans here this more is got beautiful forest beaches mountains or villages it's a separate thing like Google Balkans do you want a network respond look at the mountain village set up around latest just and again food drink and exchange rates the cheap and really good motor so much lights on the children to this comment number three and you probably wouldn't expect to see this country on this list but it is really reason
3. it's South Africa but at the moment you can get almost double the amount of actor and then you could get back in 2012 but what doubling your money think about it whilst it might not be the cheapest country in the world in other time I think for the sheer beauty and light experience but the countries that you meet the beautiful it is a must do you need one big reason to go there the bar is these are been on my bucket list for like the longest partners I fully intend to go to South Africa if not this year the year after and it's raw like the hole down there and just have a great time see some lyin cheatin giraffe see some right over just to the life doesn't
4. you go round you up you might have heard of liquor I got but never bored going that if that cause the recoil which show the thought of an extra life it is really hard to say far is I think on some of us tourists off by the moment many because they fought bunch of money into advertising the plate and that set the prices up there but Mr IQ of creativity offers all of the same things because you know the same plan let massive lad by March and less of the price food is not going nice and no one has to pay extra person what is cheaper valiant well first of you having trouble finding price you need to blame Costa Rica and then spend an hour to joint over the border in the NICU I grew up save money and time and flights that way but accommodation food and transfer all stupidly cheap they're nearly spend $25 a day and provide quite happily in a greater on if you've been in low vision as long you can find some stupidly price was like four dollars and my four dollars right I spent $50 a night and some posters in the u.s. play compare those food prices just doesn't make sense of it and here's a blog post by a blogger called the shuttle back aboard they said name for masters travel across need irregular it only has been two and a half thousand dollars so I need to let make any more points in that souls a venir reason to go to the max with volcano which you can call out to us and say there's on that and finally
5. Bolivia Bolivia is actually the cheapest for all the South American countries and that is saying a lot I've got some amazing sites offer and the price is very cheap of what is cheaper than that if you up will everything sometimes moving it's even been compared to traveling and Southeast Asian everyone knows how to eat Southeast Asia its thing about deliberate specific location is easier to combine as pollen itinerary so like maybe travel improves up America than doing ads on one stop maybe something like to roof but it definitely has to be done so if you need some reason to go that makes peacock art for a member own social service people and they'll have the talk last which you've probably seen on like documentaries 17 sir Graham honor it's an extremely beautiful looking place velocity
so I figure I save my fired cheapest destinations which I will do in 2017 I hope you like the list I hope you find it useful I keep planning from ship for these places and if you have been to them let me know what you thought in the comments below