by Nabewise
It took Dunning a while to leave behind its association with an old nineteenth century insane asylum and almshouse, but once it did, Chicagoans realized that this quiet and leafy green nabe was a great place to live. You won't find any Starbucks in Dunning, but the nabe has more than a few independent cafes who are serious about good coffee. Dunning's pocket nabes of Belmont Heights, Belmont Terrace, Schorsch Village, and Irving Woods each have identities of their own, but all share Dunning's friendly character.
Dunning, Chicago Data : Neighborhoods & Travel – Score out of 100
Dunning, Chicago Reviews
Dunning is:
An old Polish sronghold
Fine for familes
Somewhat cheap
A Split Personality Has Led to A Unique and Diverse Nabe
Dunning is an interesting nabe located on Chicago’s Far North West Side. Ethnically split between Polish and Italian heritages, this nabe has a split personality where the dominate ethnicities tend to maintain their respective sides. On the Polish side it is common to find bars and delis serving dumplings and pierogies, and to find menues written in English, Polish, and Czech. The Italian side of the nabe, on Harlem Avenue, has all good things Italian. Gelato, espresso, and fresh pastas are in such high abundance here you might forget that you are in Chicago.
Real estate in Dunning is varied, one can find small yet well maintained flats and condos for reasonable prices, while more affluent residents can spend large sums of money on nicer brownstones or detached houses if they please. This nabe seems to be experiencing a boom in population, especially in the younger demographic fueled by Wright College, which has caused real estate values to begin to rise.
John S.
Dunning's no longer a scary place
Dunning had a strange reputation for a bit thanks to the Dunning Asylum. Thankfully, the eerie nature of this place has descended almost into urban legend status (plenty of websites if you’re interested). Today, Dunning still hosts an mental institution, The Chicago-Read Mental Health Center—a place that serves those in need without the creepy reputation. Dunning’s also home to Wilbur Wright College. This provides Dunning residents with a slight academic vibe, and a nice campus to stroll around as well.
Deb E.