East Oak Hill
by Nabewise
East Oak Hill is located in… you guessed it, the hills! Gorgeous homes and stunning views make Eask Oak Hill a desirable location to live. Barton Creek Wilderness Park is located in the middle of the nabe, making it a great little oasis from the concrete jungle surrounding it.The homes and apartments around here feel like up scale treehouses in the midst of the towering trees. Not everyone can pull off living here, but those who do are living large!
East Oak Hill Data
East Oak Hill Articles and Reviews
Table of Contents
Can You Afford It?
As you look up and see the mansions towering over the lake, you gotta wonder what these people do or did for a living. I can only imagine what they make a year to afford these gorgeous houses that sit on such an amazing plot of land that overlooks Austin. I can only hope to become a best selling author one of these days to afford anything of this caliber.
Adam K.
Right by the Greenbelt
What is one of the best things about Austin? The greenbelt. And East Oak Hill is right on the best part of it. This nabe is close to downtown and has easy access to Mopac, 71, and 360. Best of all East Oak hill hugs up against the Barton Creek Wildnerness Park, one of the best natural areas in Austin. The area is nice, the houses are nice, and you can plan to pay accordingly to live in the upscale nabe with excellent park and city access
High prices
Craig W.
Hill People
These must be the people looking down on me whenever I hike the greenbelt. Lol. They probably hear the discovery channel in their heads, saying “And here, we see full grown female hippie in her natural habitat. She appears to be hunting, for music. Notice the mating call, a wailing harmonica, it is meant to attract other hippies. Ah, and yes, we have a drum signaling in the distance. The female hippie will feast today…”
Will B.
Cooke-Cutter Central
If you’ve got the money and the luck to get a home on the greenbelt, then this nabe is awesome. Otherwise, you’re just living in another cookie-cutter, family-oriented suburbanite nabe of West Austin.
Sammy J.
East Oak Hill not only has some of the most beautiful views of the city but it has impressively large homes as well. Unlike many Austin nabes, there isn’t a whole lot of variety here. Most all of East Oak Hill is gorgeous.
Do East Oak Hill kids go to Westlake High School? If so, it’s a great public school. I shouldn’t make assumptions, but if I did I would guess most kids here go to private school. Generalizing? Probably.
I can hardly say a bad word about Austin, so I like to think positively when it comes to the residents of East Oak Hill. I like to believe that unlike many stuffy upper class nabes, the ones in Austin are still full of genuine down to earth Austinites. That’s what makes the people of this city great right? We are all Austinites!
Bridget D.