best travel shoes

Best Travel Shoes ? How to Choose Travel Shoes

by Nabewise

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Traveling is an exciting and fulfilling experience, but packing presents a challenge. Shoes in particular are difficult to pack because they take up a lot of room. Choosing the right shoes for travel allows you to be prepared to enjoy your trip while keeping your luggage to a minimum. Here are some tips to help you pick travel shoes.

Comfort shoeFavor Comfort Over Style

Aching feet and blisters make it difficult to enjoy activities and make the most of your time. Since you are likely to do a lot of walking during your travels, you want shoes that feel good over long periods. Choose shoes that are comfortable with good cushioning and support.

Choose Three

Three is the ideal number for packing; try to avoid taking more than that many pairs of shoes. When planning what to pack, make sure your clothing and shoes work well together in a variety of combinations. Ideally, your shoes should match all of your outfits so you can wear them with anything. At least two of your pairs of shoes should be comfortable so you can switch between them.

Pick Dark Colors

Neutral or dark colored shoes tend to match a wide variety of clothing, which is desirable when packing. Options that you can mix and match with a variety of outfits are ideal. Dark colors are also more subdued and attract less attention, but still look stylish; this broadens the range of clothing options they can pair with.shoe dark color

Look for Good Traction

Shoes with traction and grip are ideal for hiking or walking because no one wants to slip and fall. Good traction also makes your shoes versatile so you can handle any surface and not miss out on opportunities that come up.

Consider Planned Activities

Think about the shoes you will need for the activities you have planned, but try to avoid taking shoes for just one event. Again, versatile options that will work for a variety of activities are key. It is also important to check the weather at your destination and plan accordingly.

Avoid Bulky Options

How well shoes fit in a suitcase is important to consider when choosing travel shoes. Bulky shoes take up extra room and are difficult to deal with. Instead, look for options that are softer, flexible, and more compact.

Good travel shoes let you enjoy the rewards of travel in comfort and style. Happy travels!
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