outdoor gear at rei.com
by Nabewise
REI.com is an online source for outdoor gear and equipment. The site provides everything the outdoor enthusiast needs for their favorite adventures. Customers of REI can shop by category for camping, hiking, cycling, paddling, and snow gear. The site also also allows the customer to search for items based on sizes for men, women, and children. Fitness enthusiasts can shop REI.com for yoga clothing and gear, running shoes, and other types of workout apparel.
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REI is a company that supports taking care of the outdoors space for the future so that the generations ahead can continue to enjoy it. They give back nearly 70% of their profits to various causes for conservation and the advancement of environmental causes.
Customers of REI.com can get a lot of valuable information about the products they're shopping for through the site. Many of the categories have expert advice and even lists that help customers find the products they need. This information can be especially helpful for anyone who is venturing into a new activity and is unsure about exactly what is needed to get started. Product descriptions include advice on what activities each item is best used for as well as other helpful recommendations.