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Country Club

Country Club

Sandwiched between the bustling plazas of Cherry Creek and the vibrant nightclubs of Capitol Hill, Country Club has a bit of an “eye of the hurricane” feel to it. This lush residential haven is distinguished by large stately homes and sprawling front yards, often camouflaged beneath a thick canopy of …

Congress Park

Congress Park

Residents of Congress Park enjoy beautiful tree-lined streets, historic Victorian homes, brick bungalows, and proximity to some of Denver’s hotspots like the Botanic Gardens and the Fillmore Auditorium. Minutes from happenin' hotspot Cherry Creek, Congress Park has a more relaxed atmosphere. With a small town vibe, awesome community feel, and …

Capitol Hill

Capitol Hill

With its prime location next to the Central Business District and Golden Triangle, Capitol Hill is a cosmopolitan epicenter with an eccentric edge. What was once home to some of the most elite residents of Denver is now a melting pot for Denver's artsy and hip. This Denver hotspot boasts …



Richardson is a fairly large town within the greater Dallas metro area. A historic downtown retains some of the city's original charm, which makes for a nice balance to the miles of midrise office buildings that comprise much of the area. Equal parts urban and suburban, Richardson is filled with …



Want to catch a glimpse of Golden Age Chicago thriving in modern times? Streeterville is the place to be. A busy pocket nabe of Near North Side, Streeterville is where Chicago’s most luxurious top dogs lie: the best (and most expensive) homes, hotels, dining, and shopping in the city. Streeterville …



Sometimes people own so much land that a neighborhood is named after them, and residents of Wallingford can thank John Noble Wallingford for this very thing. Located in North Seattle at the southern tip of Green Lake, Wallingford is a laid back, artistic and creative community featuring residential homes, eclectic …



Laurelhurst is a small, classy residential community that has been home to many famous people over the years. It is situated just east of Lake Washington, and is bounded on the northwest by Sand Point Way. Here you will find superb public amenities, plenty of parks, beach clubs, and top-notch …

Girard Estate

Girard Estate

For Girard Estate, the adage rings true: “It’s all in the name.” The neighborhood’s benefactor made certain that even the architecture here would distinguish Girard Estate from its surroundings. Strolling through this sleepy nabe of low-trafficked streets, you won’t find the sets of row houses Philly's known for. Instead, semi-detached …

Cedar Park

Cedar Park

The trendy hub of West Philadelphia

Cedar park is a section of West Philly, bounded roughly by 52nd to the west, Larchwood to the north, 46th to the east, and Kingsessing to the south. The neighborhood is diverse, in its residents, its physical appearance, and its dining and shopping options.

Cedar Park


Lindenwood is a small section of Howard Beach, made up mostly of six-story red-brick apartment buildings and two-family homes built in the 1950s and 1960s. Right on the Brooklyn-Queens borderline, this nabe is full of community-oriented centers that organize regular activities for residents.

Lindenwood Data
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