Riverway Estates

Riverway Estates

By Nabewise

Humble Riverway Estates lies between Mesquite and Dallas. A far cry from the mostly suburban landscape of Dallas, this nabe is a quaint area of older homes and hush streets. A low traffic area, this nabe is noticeably calmer than the two bustling cities it lies between. The people of Riverway Estates exude a welcoming attitude to visitors and new residents–the warmth of Riverway Estates cannot be understated.

Riverway Estates Data

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Top Attributes
  • Quiet
  • Parking
  • Empty nesters
  • Seniors
  • Pet friendly
Lowest Attributes
  • Clean
  • Public Transportation
  • Singles
  • Families
  • Income

Riverway Estates Articles and Reviews


Riverway Estates has got its fair share of nice, country homes and cool midcentury houses. However, it’s also got some tiny shacks with chain link fences and unmowed lawns…so if you plan on moving here, take a long drive around to get better acquainted with the good and not-so-good areas. That said, this is a pretty average nabe, and I wouldn’t rule it out for middle class families or older residents looking for a decent place to live. Food and amenities are located on the nabe’s borders, and a local park and elementary school make this an alright home for families with younger kids. There seems to be a lot more greenery than most nabes too, so if you’ve always dreamed of a big front lawn, check out Riverway Estates!

What's awesome

Some nice houses, especially good for older folks and those who like peace and quiet

What's not so awesome

Boring, kinda rundown in areas

Paige T.

“Estates” is something of a misnomer…

This is basically your average, everyday blue collar kind-of neighborhood. The homes are small, the yards mostly untended.

But at least there’s no Dallas traffic.

Samuel A.