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REI.com is an online source for outdoor gear and equipment. The site provides everything the outdoor enthusiast needs for their favorite adventures. Customers of REI can shop by category for camping, hiking, cycling, paddling, and snow gear. The site also also allows the customer to search for items based on …

Lower Haight
The Lower Haight is a nabe where a bohemian aesthetic rubs shoulders with post-punk. Situated east of Divisadero along Haight Street, the nabe is home to an eclectic mix of restaurants and watering holes that draw crowds from all over the city. Considerably grittier than its more famous counterpart,

Hayes Valley
Hayes Valley has not always been the chic nabe that it is today. This relatively young nabe has transformed into one of San Francisco’s premier destinations. Hayes Street is the main drag, filled with upscale eateries and high-end fashion boutiques. Hayes Valley Park lies at the intersection of Octavia

Mission Dolores
Mission Dolores is a vibrant nabe named for the oldest standing structure in San Francisco, established by the Spanish missionaries in the late 1700s. Mission Dolores is straddled by two uber-hip nabes–the Castro and the Mission District. Just to the south lies quieter Noe Valley. At this nabe's heart

South Midwood, Brooklyn
South Midwood is a moderately-sized neighborhood in the southern central area of Brooklyn, bordering the larger neighborhood of Midwood. Home to very little nightlife, South Midwood is a quiet area with most of the businesses in the area closed on weekend nights. The homes in South Midwood range from

Midwood Park, Brooklyn
Midwood Park is a small Brooklyn neighborhood adjacent to Fiske Terrace known for its Victorian homes and countryside atmosphere. Many newcomers move to Midwood Park in order to enjoy the benefits of living in New York City while having a garage and a backyard (unheard of!). The nabe also

Midwood, Brooklyn
Midwood, located in south central Brooklyn betweenGravesend and Flatbush, is a breath of fresh air in an overpopulated, bustling city. The tree-lined streets, large front porches, and green lawns make for a tranquil, community-oriented atmosphere. Midwood is home to countless Kosher joints and also boasts a wide array of

Bensonhurst, Brooklyn
Bensonhurst, located between Borough Park andBath Beach, is a family-oriented residential area. Bensonhurst was long ago nicknamed `Little Italy' in Brooklyn, but the area is home to a more varied community at present than the name suggests. Safe and charming, Bensonhurst can be easily accessed by public transport, and

Flushing Meadows, Queens
Boasting the second largest park in New York City,Flushing Meadows' urban green area was the basis for scenery in Grand Theft Auto IV. Flushing Meadows is known for housing the Queens Museum of Art, and for its Unisphere, built for the 1964 World's Fair. The neighborhood has easy access

East Elmhurst, Queens
East Elmhurst lies in the northwest corner of the borough of Queens. Not currently know as celebrity haven, East Elmhurst does have a star-studded history. During the 1950s and 1960's East Elmhurst was home to many cultural legends including Dizzy Gillespie, Langston Hughes, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, and Willie

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Nordstrom.com – an Online Review
Since its founding back in Seattle, Washington in the early 20th century, Nordstrom has been synonymous with high-end brands. Today nordstrom.com still maintains that position as a top destination for luxury shopping.
Customer Service
Nordstrom has 24/7 customer service available via online chat, email and …

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Nordstrom.com – an Online Review
Since its founding back in Seattle, Washington in the early 20th century, Nordstrom has been synonymous with high-end brands. Today nordstrom.com still maintains that position as a top destination for luxury shopping.
Customers can shop apparel for men, women and children, shoes, accessories, home and …

Bay Terrace (Queens), Queens
Stellar waterfront views are the attraction in Bay Terrace, which overlooks the East River and Long Island Sound at the point where they meet. Long considered part of Bayside, Bay Terrace began developing its own identity when the housing development and shopping center of the same name opened in

Bayside, Queens
Bayside is a suburban neighborhood in the borough of Queens with well kept homes and landscaping–the pride of many of its homeowners. Now an urban homeowner's paradise, it is even replete with a recent influx of McMansions. During the 1920s, many actors and actresses lived here, establishing Bayside as

Floyd Bennett, Brooklyn
Floyd Bennett is a tiny neighborhood in southeast Brooklyn named for the large, adjacent, and now-defunct airfield. Very similar to neighboring Mill Basin, Floyd Bennett is not particularly easy to get to. Real estate tends to be single-family homes or office space. Benefits of the neighborhood include water access,

Lakeside is a nabe where white picket fences and manicured lawns exude a suburban vibe. Bordered by 19th Avenue on the west, Junipero Serra Boulevard on the east, and Sloat Boulevard to the north, Lakeside is all but surrounded by major commuter thoroughfares. Given this busy location, the nabe

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Outer Sunset
Rows and rows of stucco homes line the Outer Sunset–part of the larger district that includes Inner and Central Sunset–where the salty ocean air is palpable and the fog is ever-present. Although primarily residential, a few stretches like Noriega and Taraval Streets offer commercial activity. At its western boundary

Windsor Terrace, Brooklyn
Located between Prospect Park and Greenwood Cemetery, Windsor Terrace is around the corner fromPark Slope and has absorbed some of this super popular nabe's vibe. Although several new establishments cater to the growing wave of newcomers, locals still rule the roost in this slice of quiet New York.
Flatbush, Brooklyn
Sandwiched between a cornucopia of small nabes–including Kensington to the west and Prospect Lefferts Gardens to the north–this residential north central Brooklyn nabe is home to various commercial strips. This area is a stout brew of assorted residents and every kind of delicious cuisine you could dream up. Locals