Coney Island, Brooklyn
by Nabewise
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Coney Island has long evoked a seaside boardwalk and carnival midway in the popular imagination, but it is also home to a minor league baseball stadium, an aquarium, and about 100,000 residents. Within Coney Island proper, there is a very diverse spread of homeowners and renters, including seaside private housing and project towers. Locals flock to the beach on the weekend, while most visitors to the area come for special events or a taste of that enduring Coney Island quirk.
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Top Reviews from Travel Rentals Neighborhoods
In flux: dusty coney island may be getting less depressing
Coney Island’s def. a spot that every new yorker needs to visit. it boasts this eerie charm of day’s past—you get off the subway and see huge black and white prints of the days when the beach here was so crowded you couldn’t even see the sand and it was, well, kinda classy to go? This is history struggling along—folks have actually been a lot into coney island to restore it back to its original glory as of late. Who knows, maybe upper east siders will start vacationing here? ha.
if the weather sucks at the beach, check out the aquarium—it’s around $15 to get and is pretty cool.
If you like crowds and good ol’ american guzzling, come here 4th of july for the hot dog eating competition. What a time!
Katie P.
Always worth a visit
When the weather is nice Coney Island is always worth a visit. If you’re feeling adventurous, try the boardwalk game “Shoot the Freak”, where a few bucks buys you the opportunity to pelt some poor soul in full body armor with paintballs. Nathan’s and carnival rides with dubious safety certifications are other musts. During the Siren Festival and other summer music events, hipsters get close to the freakshows where the belong. As far as living goes, I hear there’s a contingent of artists and eccentrics drawn to the carnie vibe out there. This might be an option if your looking for a ton of space and don’t want to commute.
Ronnie G.
Coney Island was sweet. I went there in early fall when it was starting to cool down and it was wicked cold and blustery but, despite that, there were enough people there for me to feel a little uncomfortable. The line at Nathan’s was retarded but I waited my turn with my remote and was rewarded with one of the finest corndogs I’ve ever eaten. This will only make sense to a handful of people but it reminded me of the Weirs if it were a part of Canobie Lake Park.
Nick G.
This is one of the cheapest places to live in New York. I am far enough away from the beach that I don’t really get hassled by tourists and close enough to feel the breeze off of the water. It’s maybe a little dismal in the winter but I manage. The commute is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Its 50 minutes on the train to 34th street but, one acclimates oneself very quickly to it. Plus there is plenty to do down here if you can handle the people.Larry C.
When I first moved to the city I came down as a tourist just to see what all of the hype was about. I did all of the classics: the rides, Nathan’s, and the boardwalk.You gotta do it -it’s a must do thing if you want to be a new yorker.Jay D.